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Working with South Mountain Park officials, city officials and local organizations, the Rob Dollar Foundation initial priority is to engage with existing park safety initiatives and task-force and to accelerate  the implementation of road safety for the benefit of the cycling community.

The foundation scope also includes increasing awareness of safety measures available to cyclists as well as advocacy for the recommendation or support of legislation changes and initiatives at the city and state level.


Our first priority is Road Safety.


In Phoenix, there has been over 450 bicycle involved collisions in each of the last 5 years. Our pledge is to  make our roadways a safer place to bike, starting with the South Mountain Park scenic road, shared by cars and cyclists, where Rob's fatal accident happened last year. 

In collaboration with the City of Phoenix, the Police Department and the South Mountain Park administration, the Rob Dollar Foundation is working on 5 year project to implement safety measures for cyclists on the South Mountain main road. This will include signs, convex traffic mirrors and other measure to ensure greater safety on the scenic road. 


In addition to road safety, significant improvements for the safety of bicyclists can be achieved by enhancing bicycle safety education, increasing helmet use, implementing and using bicycle facilities, and community involvement to promote bicycle safety. 

The Rob Dollar Foundation plans to collaborate with local schools and university to promote existing bike safety courses and programs.


In Phoenix Arizona, as in many major city, bicycle laws already exists and they are designed to protect the cyclists on the roads. However, limited funds often prevent the enforcement of these laws, resulting in poor

Working with South Mountain Park officials, city officials, and local organizations, the Rob Dollar Foundation's initial priority is to engage with existing park safety initiatives and task-force to accelerate the implementation of road safety for the benefit of the cycling community.

The foundation scope also includes increasing awareness of safety measures available to cyclists as well as advocacy for the recommendation or support of legislation changes and initiatives at the city and state level.


Our first priority is Road Safety.


In Phoenix, there have been over 450 bicycle-involved collisions in each of the last 5 years. Our pledge is to make our roadways a safer place to bike, starting with the South Mountain Park scenic road, shared by cars and cyclists, where Rob's fatal accident happened last year. 

In collaboration with the City of Phoenix, the Police Department, and the South Mountain Park administration, the Rob Dollar Foundation is working on a 5-year project to implement safety measures for cyclists on the South Mountain main road. This will include signs, convex traffic mirrors, and other measures to ensure greater safety on the scenic road. 


In addition to road safety, significant improvements for the safety of bicyclists can be achieved by enhancing bicycle safety education, increasing helmet use, implementing and using bicycle facilities, and community involvement to promote bicycle safety. 

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) indicates that Arizona is 47th in the nation in terms of the amount of federal funding spent on addressing causes of traffic fatalities on Arizona roadways, and supporting preventative programs to increase cyclist awareness of road safety.

The Rob Dollar Foundation plans to collaborate with local schools and universities to promote existing bike safety courses and programs.


In Phoenix Arizona, as in many major cities, bicycle laws already exist and they are designed to protect the cyclists on the roads. However, limited funds and education often prevent the enforcement of these laws.


Law enforcement plays an essential role in supporting bicycle safety by reminding the public about the legal rights and duties of road users. A police force that is more knowledgeable about best bicycling practices is more confident when dealing with bicycling issues, improves the environment for bicycling, and ultimately reduces bicyclist crash rates.


Police training programs that explain effective traffic law enforcement practices for bicyclist safety should be included in any community’s strategy for improving bicycling.

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